So you're a



For you, food is a rollercoaster: there are ups and downs. You’re always aware of what smarter food choices are… even if you’re not making them this time. Some might say you’re an emotional eater, but you don’t have to listen to them. The point is that you’re trying.

You know you’re a Moodie Foodie if:

  • You’re nothing if not a conscious consumer.

  • You’re everyone’s first choice for last-minute dinner dates.

  • You have too many cheat days.

  • You’re aware of your impact on the environment, and always try to make more informed choices.

  • Events big or small are celebrated with food: huge promotion or inbox 0.

  • Maybe you’re vegan. Perhaps pescatarian. Maybe you just know you probably should be.

  • You’ll pay for quality food, but you don’t want to splurge for the sake of it.

  • You've experienced decision fatigue on UberEats. SO MANY OPTIONS.

  • You have a reliable, yet reasonably specific Starbucks order.

Only % of people are Moodie Foodies!


Your perfect dinner date is


A Refueller will help keep you on track with your demanding diet ambitions. Hopefully they’ll replace all the chocolate you’ve hidden in the kitchen with activated almonds.

Think you know a Refueller? Share the quiz with them.